Humanity, innovation, aesthetics, sensibility, multiplicity, context, freedom, uniqueness, content, integrity, passion, originality, art and culture are the guiding forces of my visual communication and my best (self-)responsibility.
To capture, archive and expose technicly between light and shadow, here and there, art and commerce, past, present, future, memories and visions, quantity and quality, day and night, creativity and efficiency, sensus and intellectus, human and object, chaos and order, reality and dream, life and death, on set and behind the sences a timeless momentum of lightmolekulars, a contemporary documentation in bits, bytes and stardust at the pulse of time, the endless metamorphose of humanity on mother earth, is a deeply mystical experience.
As an independent light and shadow worker in this technocratic era I am challenged by the content and the intentions of the international media consortium and publishing dynasties, which represents alongside legislative, executive, and judiciary the publicative, the fourth state authority in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The (as well) capital-bounded media (re-)produces and publishes visions about the human existence, love, race, status, sexuality, nature, religion, family, age, education, culture, health, politic, economy and foreigner countries etcetera with intensity – depending on the ruling mentality or strategic of the high finance.